Sayings of Imām Hussain

Imām Hussain ibn ‘Alī ibn Abī Tālib (A.S.) said:

“From us are the twelve guided ones. The first of them is Amir-ul-Mu’minin Ali-ibn-Abi Talib and the last of them is the ninth from my progeny who is the Imām establishing the truth. Through him, the Almighty Allāh will make alive the earth after its death and will make the righteous religion to prevail over all religions, though the enemies may averse. For him is the ‘ghaibah’ (occultation), due to which a group will forsake religion while another group would remain steadfast and consequently vexed. They would be scorned and sarcastically addressed: ‘If you tell the truth, then when will this promise turn out true?!(Yasin (36):48) Know that anyone who forbears and tolerates the teasing of the enemies during occultation is like one who participates in the holy Jihad accompanying the Prophet (s.a.w.a.).”

[Reference: Kamaluddin Vol 1, Page :317]